Online Counselling for Anxiety, Personal Development, Relationship Issues and more
The right therapy for you
Research shows that successful outcomes in online therapy are similar to outcomes from face to face therapy. Outcomes are dependent on the quality of the relationship and the rapport that is built up between a client and a counsellor, rather than the type of therapy.
Online counselling.
I have been working successfully in an ‘online’ capacity for over a decade. And although I know it can feel strange to change the way you participate in therapy, I would like to let you know that many people who have tried online counselling have been surprised by how ‘supported’ and ‘comfortable’ they have felt during sessions.
Zoom counselling sessions-
I offer online counselling sessions via Zoom video link. You will need a stable, high speed internet connection for this to be effective. And I recommend wearing headphones during sessions to aid with sound quality.
Setting up is important
It is necessary to establish some ground rules for online work, in order for your sessions not just to work, but to “work well…”
This means it’s important that you find a quiet place to talk, free from distractions and somewhere you are not overheard. Connecting in a public space, a library for instance is not going to work. As already mentioned above, wearing of headphones will improve both confidentiality and the sound quality in session, because feedback, if you do not have earphones, is inevitable. It is also important that you are able to find time to dedicate to you sessions.
It is important to have a good internet connection. Many people are used to video chatting with family and friends and may have experienced a weak signal or a complete drop out. In order to keep you secure in your online counselling session, it is better to use a home hub.
In case of any technical difficulties arising during the session, it is also important to have an alternative plan. Having a fixed alternative, whether that would be telephone or messaging, ensures your session continues and you are not left stranded.
I know the first step is often the hardest but be assured that I will do my best to support you throughout the process.